last modified: Thursday, 16-Mar-2023 01:32:17 CET
A Short Reflection on Books
Most books on minerals are field guides and "picture books". They can help to identify your specimen and to learn something about their properties, but they don't get you anywhere beyond that. I strongly recommend to get and read textbooks on geology and mineralogy. They don't sort minerals just by their color, but deal with the topic systematically. First they look very boring and it needs some discipline for a layman to work through them. But once you've read a few chapters, you will note that slowly something of a "big picture" is about to emerge.Recommended Books
I'd like to recommend a few books that I found worth reading. In accordance with what I've written above, some of them are textbooks on geology, and only a few deal specifically with quartz.
A well written introductory textbook on physical geology with lots of figures.
This book has nothing to do with quartz but is about the inner workings of the planet earth, and it clearly addresses expert readers and undergraduate students of geology. However, I had more than one aha experience when reading it, so for those of you who "want to know", it is listed.
A nice introduction to mineralogy. Different from most textbooks on mineralogy (that simply count off minerals following to the Dana or Strunz system), it introduces minerals and mineral groups in the context of geological environments.
This book is a very nice introduction into petrology and its methods and is mentioned because it is a very notable exception from German scientific literature: it has been written with the reader in mind.
The first comprehensive and still best English monography on silica minerals.
- Die Eigenheiten von Bergkristall, Rauchquarz, Amethyst, Chalcedon, Achat, Opal und anderen Varietäten, by Rudolf Rykart.
From the collector's point of view, still "The Book" on quartz, in particular when it comes to crystal morphology. As far as I know, there is no recent English quartz monography that is a match for it. The book has unfortunately not yet been translated from German.
Reviews in Mineralogy, Vol.29
Mineralogical Society of America, 1994
ISBN 0-939950-35-9
This is a collection of reviews on silica structures and properties, including those of quartz, by various authors. The articles are referenced individually in the text of these web pages and are accordingly listed under "Articles". The book can be regarded as a scientific publication.
Quartz and Silica
Clifford FrondelThe System of Mineralogy of J.D. Dana. III. Silica Minerals
John Wiley, New York and London, 1962
Jaroslav Hyrsl, Gerhard Niedermayr
Magic World: Inclusions in Quartz / Geheimnisvolle Welt: Einschlüsse im Quarz
Bode Verlag GmbH, Haltern, 2003
ISBN 3-925094-81-4
L. Jung
High Purity Natural Quartz
Part I: High Purity Natural Quartz For Industrial Use
Quartz Technology, Inc.
Liberty Corner, New Jersey, 1992
Werner Lieber
Amethyst - Geschichte, Eigenschaften, Fundorte
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 1994
ISBN 3-921656-33-8
Raphael E.D. Liesegang
Die Achate
Verlag von Theodor Steinkopff, Dresden und Leipzig, 1915
B. Neubig, W. Briese
Das große Quarzkochbuch
Feldkirchen: Franzis-Verlag, 1997
ISBN 3-7723-5853-5 (out of print)
Michael O'Donoghue
Quartz - Butterworths Gem Books
Butterworth & Co. Ltd. 1987
ISBN 0-408-01462-8
Rudolf Rykart
Quarz-Monographie - Die Eigenheiten von Bergkristall, Rauchquarz, Amethyst, Chalcedon, Achat, Opal und
anderen Varietäten.
Ott Verlag Thun, 2nd. Edition,1995.
ISBN 3-7225-6204-X
Robert B. Sosman
The Properties of Silica. An Introduction to the Properties of Substances in the Solid and Non-Conducting State
American Chemical Society Monograph Series 37, 1927
Ichiro Sunagawa, Hideo Iwasaki, Fumiko Iwasaki
Growth and Morphology of Quartz Crystals: Natural and Synthetic
Terrapub, Tokyo, 2009
ISBN 978-4-88704-146-2
P. Vigoureux, C.F. Booth
Quartz Vibrators and their Applications
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1950
ISBN 978-4-88704-146-2
George William Traill
An Elementary Treatise on Quartz and Opal, Including Their Varieties
Maclachlan & Stewart, Edinburgh, 1870
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 3 - Bergkristall
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 1992
ISBN 3-921656-25-7
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 19 - Achat
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 2000
ISBN 3-921656-54-0
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 37 - Quarz
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 2009
ISSN 0945-8492
Johann Zenz
Achate / Agates
Bode Verlag GmbH, Haltern, 2005
ISBN 3-925094-85-7
General Geology
C.M.R. FowlerThe Solid Earth - An Introduction to Global Geophysics
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004
ISBN 0-521-89307-0
Brian J. Skinner, Stephen C. Porter
Physical Geology
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987
ISBN 0-471-05668-5
Mineralogy and Petrology Textbooks
L.G. Berry, Brian Mason, R.V. DietrichMineralogy - Concepts, Descriptions, Determinations
W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1983
ISBN 0-7167-1424-8
Harvey Blatt, Robert J. Tracy, Brent E. Owens
Petrology - Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic
W.H. Freeman and Co., New York, 2006
ISBN 0-7167-3743-4
Gregor Markl
Minerale und Gesteine - Eigenschaften - Bildung - Entstehung
Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004
ISBN 3-8274-1495-4
Martin Okrusch, Siegfried Matthes
Mineralogie - Eine Einführung in die spezielle Mineralogie, Petrologie und Lagerstättenkunde.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 2005
ISBN 3-540-23812-3
Hans Jürgen Rösler
Lehrbuch der Mineralogie
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1991
ISBN 3-8274-1344-3
Ichiro Sunagawa (Editor)
Morphology and Growth Unit of Crystals
Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, 1989
ISBN 4-88704-102-9
Roland Vinx
Gesteinsbestimmung im Gelände
Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2005
ISBN 3-8274-1513-6
Hans-Rudolph Wenk, Andrei Bulakh
Minerals - Their Constitution and Origin
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003
ISBN 0-521-52958-1
Mineralogy, other
Max BauerPrecious Stones, Volumes I and II
Dover Publications Inc., New York, London, 1904,1968
ISBN 0-486-21910-0
ISBN 0-486-21911-9
Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Jr.
Man and Minerals
Random House, New York, 1970
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 68-28329
Olaf Medenbach, Harry Wilk
The Magic of Minerals
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo, 1977,1985
John Sinkankas
Field Collecting Gemstones and Minerals
Geoscience Press, Tucson, 1988
ISBN 0-945005-00-8
Local Geology and Mineralogy
Sidney AshPetrified Forest - A Story in Stone
Petrified Forest Museum Association
First Impression, 2005
ISBN 0-945695-11-X
Hans Ulrich Bambauer, Hermann Bank, Hans Peter Brandt, Adolf Grub, Cornelia Schmitt-Riegraf, Heinz Walter Wild
Die Edelsteinmine im Steinkaulenberg und die historische Weiherschleife in Idar-Oberstein
Verlag Sudau, Idar-Oberstein
Conger Beasley, Jr., edited by Derek Gallagher
Alibates Flint Quarries National Monument
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association, 2001
ISBN 1-58369-009-3
Vladimir V. Bukanov, Eugeny V. Burlakov, Alexander V. Kozlov, Nikolay A. Pozhidaev
Subpolar Urals: Minerals of the Rock Crystal Veins
Mineralogical Almanac, Vol.17(2), Moscow, 2012
Reinhard Exel
Sammlung geologischer Führer - Sardinien
Gebr. Bornträger, Berlin, Stuttgart, 1986
ISBN 3-443-15047-0
Antonio Gamboni, Tomasio Gamboni, Ornella Nonnis
I Minerali Dell' Arcipelago Di La Maddalena
Paolo Sorba Editore - La Maddalena, 1997
Nicole Grünert
Namibia - Fascination of Geology
Klaus Hess Publishers, Windhoek - Göttingen, 2003
ISBN 3-933117-13-5
Deborah Harden
California Geology
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997
ISBN 0-02-350042-5
Dierck Henningsen, Gerhard Katzung
Einführung in die Geologie Deutschlands
Elsevier, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2006
ISBN-10: 3-8274-1586-1
Jahn, Medenbach, Niedermayr, Schneider
Namibia - Zauberwelt edler Steine und Kristalle
Bode Verlag, 2nd. Edition, 2006
ISBN 3-925094-86-5
Johann G. Koenigsberger
Die zentralalpinen Minerallagerstätten
Wepf & Co. Verlag, Basel, 1940,1972
Toni P. Labhardt
Sammlung geologischer Führer - Aarmassiv und Gotthardmassiv
Gebr. Bornträger, Berlin, Stuttgart, 1977
ISBN 3-443-15019-5
R.L.Parker, H.A. Stalder, F. de Quervain, E. Niggli, S. Graeser
Die Mineralfunde der Schweiz
Wepf & Co. Verlag, Basel, 1973
ISBN 3-85977-002-0
Peter Rothe
Die Geologie Deutschlands
Primus Verlag, 2005
ISBN 3-89678-526-5
Johannes Schwanz, Thomas Schüpbach, André Gorsatt
Das Binntal und seine Mineralien
Verlag: André Gorsatt, 1994
ISBN 3-9520657-0-6
Arthur E. Smith, Jr.
Collecting Arkansas Minerals. A Reference and Guide
L.R. Ream Publishing, 1996
ISBN 0-928693-14-7
H.A. Stalder, A. Wagner, S. Graeser, P.Stuker
Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz
Wepf & Co. Verlag, Basel, 1998
ISBN 3-85977-200-7
Masayuki Takada
Nippon-san-konbutsu-no-kesshou-keitai (Crystal habits of Japanese Minerals)
?, 2010
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 28 - Binntal
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 2005
ISSN 0945-8492
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 5 - KristallAlpin
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 1993
ISBN 3-921656-28-1
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 17 - Madagaskar
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 1999
ISBN 3-921656-50-8
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 22 - Südtirol und die Dolomiten
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 2002
ISBN 3-921656-59-1
Christian Weise (editor)
extraLapis No. 31 - Surselva
Christian Weise Verlag, München, 2006
ISSN 0945-8492
Other Sciences
R.P. Feynman, R.B. Leighton, M. SandsThe Feynman Lectures On Physics, Volumes I-III
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1963, 1977
ISBN 0-201-02116-1
ISBN 0-201-02117-X
ISBN 0-201-02118-8
A.F. Holleman, Egon Wyberg
Lehrbuch der anorganischen Chemie
Walter Gruyter Verlag, Berlin, New York, 1985
ISBN 3-11-007511-3
H. Kuchling
Taschenbuch der Physik
Verlag Harri Deutsch, Thun und Frankfurt/Main, 1985
ISBN 3-87-144097-3
Chris Scarre (general editor)
Past Worlds - The Times Atlas of Archeology
Crescent Books, Random House, 1995
ISBN 0-517-12174-3
Helmut Vogel
Gerthsen Physik
Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1999
ISBN 3-540-65479-8
R. Abart, E. Petrishcheva, F.D. Fischer, J. Svoboda
Thermodynamic model for diffusion controlled reaction rim growth in a binary system: application to the forsterite-enstatite-quartz system
American Journal of Science, Vol.309, 114-131, 2009
S.C. Abrahams, C.D. Stockbride
Whisker growth from quartz
Nature, Vol.193, 670-671, 1962
M. Adachi, K. Yamamoto, R. Sugisaki
Hydrothermal chert and associated siliceous rocks from the Northern Pacific: Their geological significance as indication of ocean ridge activity
Sedimentary Geology, Vol.47, 125-148, 1986
S. Adams
A microscopic study of vein quartz
Economic Geology, Vol.15, 623-664, 1920
S.J. Adams, G.E. Hawkes, E.H. Curzon
A solid state 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance study of opal and other hydrous silicas
American Mineralogist, Vol.76, 1863-1871, 1991
J.I.D. Adekeye, A.J. Cohen
Correlation of Fe4+ optical anisotropy, Brazil twinning and channels in the basal plane of amethyst quartz
Applied Geochemistry, Vol.1, 153-160, 1986
F. Adorni, F. Tateo
A new melanophlogite occurrence
Axis, Vol.3, 1-12, 2007
G. Agrosì, P. Lattanzi, G. Ruggieri, E. Scandale
Growth history of a quartz crystal from growth marks and fluid inclusions data
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte, Vol.1992/7, 289-294, 1992
J.J. Ague
Deep crustal growth of quartz, kyanite and garnet into large-aperture, fluid-filled fractures, north-eastern Connecticut, USA
Journal of Metamorphic Geology, Vol.13, 299-314, 1995
F. Aguilera, S. Layana, A. Rodríguez-Díaz, C. González, J. Cortés, M. Inostroza
Hydrothermal alteration, fumarolic deposits and fluids from Lastarria Volcanic Complex: A multidisciplinary study
Andean Geology, Vol.42, 166-196, 2016
R.D. Aines, G.R. Rossman
Relationships between radiation damage and trace water in zircon, quartz, and topaz
American Mineralogist, Vol.71, 1186-1193, 1986
R.D. Aines, G.R. Rossman
Geometry and texture of quartz veins in Wadi Atalla area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol.47, 73-87, 2007
A. Akawy
Geometry and texture of quartz veins in Wadi Atalla area, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 47, 73-87, 2007
A. Akhavan
Die Flächen der Quarzkristalle. Teil I: Die sieben Grundformen
Mineralien Welt, Vol.31(2), 34-53, 2020
A. Akhavan
Die Flächen der Quarzkristalle. Teil II: Rhomboeder, oberflächlich betrachtet
Mineralien Welt, Vol.32(6), 42-62, 2021
N.N. Akinfiev, L.W. Diamond
A simple predictive model of quartz solubility in water–salt–CO2 systems at temperatures up to 1000°C and pressures up to 1000 MPa
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol.73, 1597-1608, 2009
C.A. Albright
Quartzite petrography and its implications for prehistoric use and archeological analysis
Archaeology of Eastern North America, Vol.15, 29-45, 1987
J.L. Albright, V.W. Lueth
Pecos diamonds - quartz and dolomite crystals from the Seven Rivers Formation outcrops of southeastern New Mexico
New Mexico Geology, Vol.25, 63-74, 2003
V.A. Alekseyev, L.S. Medvedeva, N.P. Starshinova
Kinetics of silica precipitation on quartz seed crystals at 200°C
Geochemistry International, Vol.46, 203-209, 2008
A.E. Alexander
Opalized spherules from Utah
American Mineralogist, Vol.20, 602-603, 1935
G.B. Alexander, W.M. Heston, R.K. Iler
The solubility of amorphous silica in water
The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol.58, 453-455, 1954
D.G. Alkmim, F.S. Lameiras, F.O.T. Almeida
Identification of color development potential of quartz by Raman spectroscopy
2013 International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2013
P. Aloisi
Il quarzo dei marmi di Carrara
Atti della Società Toscana de Scienze Naturali di Pisa, Vol.25, 87-125, 1909
A.M. Alonso-Zarza, Y. Sánchez-Moya, M.A. Bustillo, A. Sopeña, A. Delgado
Silicification and dolomitization of anhydrite nodules in argillaceous terrestrial deposits: an example of meteoric-dominated diagenesis from the Triassic of central Spain
Sedimentology, Vol.49, 303-317, 2002
T. Amagai, A. Okamoto, T. Niibe, N. Hirano, K. Motoyama, N. Tsuchiya
Silica nanoparticles produced by explosive flash vaporization during earthquakes
Nature Scientific Reports, 9:9738, 2019
S. Amelinckx
Spiral growth on carborundum crystal faces
Nature, Vol.167, 939-940, 1951
S. Amelinckx
Growth spirals and their relation to crystal habit as illustrated by apatite
Nature, Vol.170, 760-761, 1952
S. Amelinckx, E. Votava
Relation between Frank spirals and spiral pits in crystals
Nature, Vol.172, 538, 1953
S. Amelinckx
The characterization of defects in crystals
Journal of Crystal Grwoth, Vol:24/25, 6-10, 1974
G.M. Amulele, A.W. Lanati, S.M. Clark
Electrical conductivity studies on silica phases and the effects of phase transformation
American Mineralogist, Vol.104, 1800-1805, 2019
C. Anbeek, N.van Breemen, E.L. Meijer, L. van der Plas
The dissolution of naturally weathered feldspar and quartz
Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, Vol.58, 4601-4613, 1994
K.H. Andersen
Amethyst mit interessanten Einschlüssen aus dem Kristiansund, Norwegen
Mineralien Welt, Vol.17(1), 58-62, 2006
C. Anderson, H. Stanley Jevons
Opalpseudomorphosen von White Cliffs, Neu-Süd-Wales (Auszug)
Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Mineralogie, Vol.43, 621, 1907
C.A. Anderson
Alteration of the lavas surrounding the hot springs in Lassen Volcanic National Park
American Mineralogist, Vol.20, 240-252, 1935
G.M. Anderson, C.W. Burnham
The solubility of quartz in supercritical water
American Journal of Science, Vol.263, 494-511, 1965
G.M. Anderson, C.W. Burnham
Reactions of quartz and corundum with aqueous chloride and hydroxide solutions at high temperatures and pressures
American Journal of Science, Vol.265, 12-27, 1967
T.L. Anderson, R.E. Newnham, L.E. Cross, J.W. Laughner
Laser-induced twinning in quartz
Physica Status Solidi A, Vol.37, 235-245, 1976
M. Andhika, M.H. Castañeda, S. Regensprung
Characterization of silica precipitation at geothermal conditions
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2015
R.J. Angel, D.R. Allen, R. Miletich, L.W. Finger
The use of quartz as an internal pressure standard in high-pressure crystallography
Journal of Applied Crystallography, Vol.30, 461–466, 1997
K. Ankit, J.L. Urai, B. Nestler
Microstructural evolution in bitaxial crack-seal veins: A phase-field study
Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth, Vol.120, 3096-3118, 2015
S. Ansermet
Les minéraux des skarns du Mont Chemin, Valais
Schweizer Strahler, Vol.12(3), 93-111, 2000
S.M. Antao, I. Hassan, J. Wang, P.L. Lee, B.H. Toby
State-of-the-art high-resolution powder x-ray diffraction (HRPXRD) illustrated with Rietveld structure refinement of quartz, sodalite, tremolite, and meionite
The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.46, 1501-1509, 2008
K.R. Applin, B.D. Hicks
Fibers of dumortierite in quartz
American Mineralogist, Vol.72, 170-172, 1987
S. Aramaki, R. Roy
A new polymorph of Al2SiO5 and further studies in the system Al2O3, SiO2, H2O
American Mineralogist, Vol.48, 1322-1347, 1963
A.J. Ardell, J.M. Christie, J.W. Mccormick
Dislocation images in quartz and the determination of Burgers vectors
Philosophical Magazine, Vol.29, 1399-1411, 1974
J. Arends, A.J. Dekker, W.G. Perdok
Color centers in quartz produced by crushing
Physica Status Solidi, Vol.3, 2275-2279, 1963
E.V. Armbrust
The life of diatoms in the world's oceans
Nature, Vol.459, 185-192, 2009
T. Armbruster, T. Kohler, T. Meisel
The zeolite, fluorite, quartz assemblage of the fissures at Gibelsbach, Fiesch (Valais, Switzerland): crystal chemistry, REE patterns, and genetic speculations
Schweizerische mineralogische und petrographische Mitteilungen, Vol.76, 131-146, 1996
E. Armstrong
Relation between secondary Dauphiné twinning and irradiation-coloring in quartz
American Mineralogist, Vol.31, 456-461, 1946
H. Arnold
Die Struktur des Hochquarzes
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Vol.117, 467-469, 1962
R. Asada, M. Okuno, K. Tazaki
Structural anisotropy of biogenic silica in pennate diatoms under Fourier transform polarized infrared microscopy
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Vol.97, 219-226, 2002
R. Asada, N. Shimobayashi, M. Kitamura
Equilibrium form of negative crystals in igneous quartz
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, Vol.97, 59-69, 2002
R. Asada, K. Tazaki
Silica biomineralization of unicellular microbes under strongly acidic conditions
The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.39, 1-16, 2001
H.R. Asbach, E. Hiedemann, K.H. Hoesch
Optische Abbildung der stehenden Kopressionswelle in einem Schwingquarz. Eine neue Methode zur Messung der Kompressibilität von Quarz
Die Naturwissenschaften, Vol.22, 465-465, 1934
E. Aschkinass
Ueber anomale Dispersion im Ultrarothen Spectralgebiete (Auszug)
Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Mineralogie, Vol.36, 277, 1902
J.R. Ashworth
Transmission electron microscopy of coexisting low-tridymite polymorphs
Mineralogical Magazine, Vol.53, 89-97, 1989
P. Assmy, V. Smetacek, M. Montresor, C. Klaas, J. Henjes, V.H. Strass, J.M. Arrieta, U. Bathmann, G.M. Berg, E. Breitbarth, B. Cisewski, L. Friedrichs, N. Fuchs, G.J. Herndle, S. Jansen, S. Krägefsky, M. Latasal, I. Peeken, R. Röttgers, R. Scharek, S.E. Schüller, S. Steigenberger, A. Webb, D. Wolf-Gladrow
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R. Aubrecht, C. Brewer-Cariá, L. Kováčik, B. Šmída, L. Vlčel, T. Lánczos
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R. Aubrecht, C. Brewer-Cariá, B. Šmída, M. Audy, L. Kováčik
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Sedimentary Geology, Vol.203, 181-195, 2008
A. Audétat, D. Günther
Mobility and H2O loss from fluid inclusions in natural quartz crystals
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F. Auerbach
Ueber die Elasticität und die Härte von krystallisierter, amorpher und wasserhaltiger Kieselsäure (Auszug)
Zeitschrift für Krystallographie und Mineralogie, Vol.36, 282-283, 1902
F. Augustine, D.R. Hale
Effect of aluminum and germanium on the spectral absorption of certain types of quartz growth
Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol.29, 685-686, 1960
F. Augustine, D.R. Hale
Topography and etch patterns of synthetic quartz
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol.13, 344-346, 1960
J.-P. Bachheimer
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Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, Vol.19, 5509-5517, 1986
J.-P. Bachheimer
Comparative NIR and IR examination of natural, synthetic, and irradiated synthetic quartz
European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol.12, 975-986, 2000
R.D. Baëta, K.H.G. Ashbee
Slip systems in quartz: I. Experiments
American Mineralogist, Vol.54, 1551-1573, 1969
R.D. Baëta, K.H.G. Ashbee
Slip systems in quartz: II. Interpretation
American Mineralogist, Vol.54, 1574-1581, 1969
R.D. Baëta, K.H.G. Ashbee
Transmission electron microscopy studies of plastically deformed quartz
Physica Status Solidi A, Vol.18, 155-170, 1973
H. Bahadur, R. Parshad
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Physica Status Solidi C, Vol.91, 191-197, 1985
H. Bahadur, H. Tissoux, T. Usami, S. Toyoda
Radiation effects in natural quartz crystals
Journal of Materials Science, Vol.19, 709-713, 2008
G.W. Bain
Skeleton quartz crystals
American Mineralogist, Vol.10, 435-441, 1925
R.R. Bajpai, V.I. Vaidhianathan
On the preparation of quartz ultrasonic oscillators
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Section A, Vol.13, 504-509, 1941
D.R. Baker, M. Sirbescu, V. Maneta, K.L. Webber, W.B. Simmons
Quantitative analysis of natural and experimental graphic textures
The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.56, 625–643, 2018
D.R. Baker, C. Freda
Eutectic crystallization in the undercooled orthoclase-quartz-H2O system: experiments and simulations
European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol.13, 453-466, 2001
G. Baker
Microscopic quartz crystals in brown coal, Victoria
American Mineralogist, Vol.31, 22-30, 1946
G. Baker
Opal in the animal body
Nature, Vol.189, 682-683, 1961
G. Baker
Micro-forms of hay-silica glass and of volcanic glass
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R.J. Bakker
Re-equilibration processes in fluid inclusion assemblages
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R.J. Bakker, M.A. Elburg
A magmatic-hydrothermal transition in Arkaroola (northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia): from diopside–titanite pegmatites to hematite–quartz growth
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R.J. Bakker, J.B.H. Jansen
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Nature, Vol.345, 58-60, 1990
V.G. Balakirev
Dislocation substructures of grain boundaries on splitting surfaces of quartz rocks
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O.V. Balitskaya
Genetic approach to the resolution of gemological problems of quartz and its colored varieties
Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol.421, 992-994, 2008
V.S. Balitsky
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V.S. Balitsky, O.V. Balitskaya
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