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But the notion of agate also embraces chalcedony variants that do not show any signs of banding, probably because of the long-term use of names like "moss agate" for stones that would simply be more difficult to sell as "moss chalcedony". It is difficult to draw a line between agate and other types of chalcedony.
- banding of whatever kind, caused by different colors or different structure of the layers, or both
- translucency in conjunction with being multicolored
- translucency in conjunction with a nodular shape and colored inclusions
An "ideal agate" by that understanding would be a nodule filled with a translucent, multicolored chalcedony with parallel bands. The minimum requirement would be that it is either translucent and exhibits some colored pattern or shows banding.
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This is still not the complete story, as structural considerations also play a role in classifying a specimen. A chert can be both multicolored and slightly translucent, but it will not be called an agate, as it lacks certain properties that are only found in agates. There are other types of chalcedony that are clearly and sharply banded, but should nevertheless not be called agates. The "look" of specimens can be very misleading. To really understand agates one has to look at the microscopic structure of agates and other types of chalcedony, and that literally means that one has to use a microscope.
Strictly spoken, an agate is not a mineral [1]. Agate does not have a homogeneous structure, like a crystal, and it usually isn't even made of a single type of mineral. It resembles a rock made up of different components in varying proportions, but I prefer to call it a textural variety of quartz, like all the other cryptocrystalline quartz varieties.
Specific Properties
Unaltered agate is a tough, dense material with dull to waxy luster and conchoidal fracture. It is by far less brittle than rock crystal. Agate is somewhat porous and usually contains small amounts of water (0.5% to 1.5%, see discussion on mineral composition below).Color
Agate can be of any color, the most frequent colors are (in descending order) gray, white, brown, salmon, red, orange, black, and yellow. Shades of violet or a grayish-blue can occur, deep green and blue tones are very unusual . The color is caused by various embedded minerals, of which iron oxides and hydroxides are most common, giving yellow, brown and red colors. A "pure" agate is white, gray or blue-gray.
Agate has long been known as a porous material that can be dyed easily and numerous methods to change, enhance or add color have been developed. Specimen that lack vivid colors and banding, like many agates from Brazil, are cut into thin slices and artificially "enhanced" with various dyes, yielding deep green, blue, pink, and sometimes more unsuspicious brown tones.
The banding is the most characteristic visible property of agates. It is mostly a result of periodic changes in the translucency of the agate substance - layers appear darker when they are more translucent (this may appear reversed in transmitted light). This effect may be accompanied and amplified by changes in the color of neighboring layers. In old agates that have been subject to weathering and chemical alteration the differences in translucency may disappear.
The thickness of the individual layers varies greatly in different agate specimen. In the finely banded agate from Agate Creek shown in the image below one can count more than 200 layers per centimeter. Other specimen show a much lower density of layers.
- In most agates the wall-lining banding dominates, and in many specimens it is the only type of banding. The banding that is seen in two-dimensional polished cross-sections of agates is only the result of their onion-like composition of concentric layers that follow the shape of the wall of the cavity.
The apparent thickness of a layer depends on the orientation of the cut and varies in a cross section. If one takes this into account, in many agates the layers are spaced evenly and individual layers remain their thickness across the entire specimen. It should be stressed that there is no "rule of equidistance of the layers", as there are striking examples of agates in which the thickness of the layers varies greatly (for example, "Limpopo agates" from Botswana).
It is also important to note that this type of banding is not restricted to walls of geodes: similar looking patterns of banding will develop around structures, like inclusions, that run through the agate nodule.
- Horizontal banding caused by parallel layers is much less common. It has first been described in agates from Uruguay and therefore is also called Uruguay-type banding and the specimen often simply Uruguay agates. These agates are often used for cutting cameos and engravings when the difference in translucency or color between the layers is pronounced (see also Onyx).
Because of the way they form (which will be explained later), horizontal bands can serve as spirit levels to determine the original orientation of the specimen in the host rock.
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In this section of the specimen the wall-lining layers are homogeneously colored and spaced quite evently. By contrast, the horizontal layers look much more diverse: some layers appear granular and less translucent, one can recognize two areas made of quartz crystals (notice the bright reflections), one layer is colored orange, and in the upper part there is an area with ripple banding. The most interesting and tale-telling feature of horizontal bands are the numerous little particles that apparently have precipitated on some of the layers.
Some, but not all horizontal layers merge with wall-lining layers. So at least some of them did develop independently from the wall-lining banding.
Initial wall-lining band
When one compares the banding patterns of many agate specimens, one will notice that in practically all agates the outmost layer that covers the wall of the cavity looks different. In most cases it is more translucent and appears darker, and often it is less pigmented by embedded minerals. This band is normally thin and often does not show any finer banding. It is even present in many Uruguay agates that otherwise lack any wall-lining banding. The structural peculiarities of these bands indicate that the agate formation is not a continuous process, but involves several steps.
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Under normal circumstances these fibers are invisible, as they are all made of the same material and the optical properties of the fibers are almost identical. But in very thin and colorless slices the fibrous nature of the agate gets revealed to the unaided eye. The first image to the right shows such a slice of an agate geode from Brazil in incident light. The slice is just 3 mm thick and only shows a very faint banding with little color.
When the slice is illuminated with a point-like light source from behind (second photo), one can see another pattern superimposed on the banding: fine lines emanate from the rim of the geode to its center. The lines run perpendicular to the agate banding and often extend across several bands. It is important to note that the lines emanate from the wall and not from the center, this can best be seen in the left corner of the specimen where several groups of lines radiate from certain spots at the wall. The pattern is rather strong in the periphery, but it is also present close to the center made of quartz crystals. When the slice is tilted slowly, one can observe a glimmering movement in the pattern, and there is also a faint play of colors at some places.
This line pattern is caused by fibers that are roughly aligned in parallel and that run from the geode wall towards the center of the geode. One should not think of fibers as individual threads that make up the fabric of the agate. The fibers are not separable from each other, one cannot pull an "agate fiber" out of an agate - the agate fabric is very dense and the quartz crystals of neighboring fibers are tightly interlocked and not separated by a large gap. The fibrous consistence of agate merely reflects the oriented intergrowth of the quartz grains. Birefringence and refraction of quartz crystals depend on the angle of the light passing through and these subtle differences are sufficient to see the line pattern. As shown in electron microscopic studies (Monroe, 1964), small voids between the grains preferably line up parallel to the fibers and also play a role in making them visible. The fibers are also present in other types of chalcedony, so it makes more sense to call them "chalcedony fibers", and not "agate fibers".
However, the best way to visualize the fibers is to use polarized light. This is the first encounter with polarized light in this chapter, and I'd like to use this opportunity for a rather personal remark.
Agates have been structurally characterized by their behavior in polarized light.
Only recently these characterizations have been complemented, but not superseded, by electron microscopic studies. The results of studies of chemical and mineral composition are all viewed in relation to the structural features found in optical microscopy.
It is not possible to understand what characterizes an agate and if and how it differs from other cryptocrystalline quartz varieties without studying agate thin sections with a polarizing microscope. Unfortunately, despite their immense educational value one hardly ever sees photos of agate thin sections in collectors' magazines.
The physics underlying the method is rather difficult to understand and will be explained in a chapter of its own, here I can only give a brief explanation.
When two polarizers (short for polarizing filters) get placed in a row, and when the polarization planes of the two filters are perpendicular to each other (when the polarizers are "crossed"), no light can get through both polarizers.
But when a birefringent substance, like a lot of minerals, is placed between the two polarizing filters, it interacts with the light, resulting in interference colors. The interference colors are characteristic for the mineral and can be used to identify the minerals and determine the relative orientation of the crystals with respect to the plane of polarization. The key message to memorize here is:
The observed color depends on the angle of the crystal relative to the polarization plane.
The interference colors are usually studied in so called thin sections, very thin slices of minerals and rocks glued onto a glass slide for microscopy. The most common thickness used in rock thin sections of all sorts is 30μm. This is very thin, of course. One can try to use thicker slices, but the interpretation of the observed colors gets more and more difficult, and many rocks and minerals have to be very thin to allow enough light through.
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Below are two photos of a thin section of that agate. The outline shape of the agate is not quite the same, because some of the frontal material had to be removed from the specimen during the preparation of the thin section. These photos were done with the same setup and camera as the first shot, not with a microscope, the difference is as follows: 1. The agate was illuminated from the back; 2. There was a linear polarizing filter behind the agate; 3. there was a linear polarizing filter on the lens of the camera. Both polarizers are "crossed", that is, the polarization planes are perpendicular to each other.
The pattern seen in the thin section with crossed polarizers is strikingly different from that in incident, unpolarized light. It is made of white, gray, and black lines, which, just as in the specimen shown above, emanate radially from a few spots at the wall. Areas with lines running roughly horizontal and vertical look darker in the first photo, which at some places gives the pattern a pinwheel-like look, in particular in the left and right corner. This is largely depending on the orientation of the polarizers: the second photo shows the agate with the polarizers rotated counter-clockwise by about 30 degrees, and the "pinwheels" did rotate by 30 degrees, as well.
Groups of lines that emanate from a common point form polygons with straight boundaries. These boundaries are real structural features and do not move when the polarizers are rotated.
At the bottom of the agate you can see an interesting feature: the banding pattern is not symmetric and the fibers are not perfectly straight here. They have apparently been bent towards the oldest wall lining bands that lie very close to the bottom, and not at the center as usual.
I will not give a full explanation of the physics of the observed pattern here, as it is far too complex to be put into a single paragraph (the behavior of quartz in polarized light will be discussed in a chapter of its own). But the bottom line is this: the color depends on the orientation of the quartz crystals in the agate and areas of similar color (or brightness) are made of crystals with the same orientation. Hence, when we see a line running through the structure, it must be made of crystals of equal orientations. And when we see that the overall brightness changes gradually, this is so because the average orientation of the crystals in the agate changes gradually.
So agate is called a fibrous chalcedony because it is apparently made of fibers that consist of chains of quartz crystals of similar orientation.
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Another thing can be seen more clearly on that photo: the outer rim looks very different. It is also made of black-and white lines, but the pattern is much more coarse. This is the initial wall-lining band of the agate. In the photo of the agate in incident light it can be seen as a dark rim that is more translucent than the rest of the agate.
Spherulites and Wall-lining Banding
The patterns observed in transmitted and in polarized light, namely that agate seems to consist of a mosaic of spherical sectors with straight boundaries, that fibers radiate from a common point at the geode wall and that the bands are composed of arcs, can be interpreted to reflect the spherulitic nature of agates.
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Changes in growth speed or in the type of included impurities will cause changes in the structure of the crystals at the "growth front" on the surface of the spheres, like the size of the crystallites or the transparency of the material. This will, of course, affect all growing crystals in all spherulites, and accordingly spherulites that started growth simultaneously will develop the same structural patterns, or put simply, look very similar.
When they continue to grow, the spherulites will simply fill out the entire space (b, c). An interesting feature of such a rock made of spherulites is difficult to see, unless you color the areas that belong to individual spherulites, as it has been done in d: The boundaries between the spherulites are straight lines, and the spherulites assume a polygonal shape.
It should be noted, though, that the initial wall-lining band often does not show obvious signs of spherulite growth.
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The two photos to the right show an example of this, a small elongated agate nodule with a core of quartz crystals, and parts of the outer rim made of yellow-green calcite crystals. Most of the chalcedony in the flesh-colored agate between the calcite and the quartz core has been replaced by calcite, but the agate banding pattern has been preserved very well.
The lower photo is a close-up that shows the different generations of spherulites that merge to form continuous bands during growth. The banding patterns of well separated spherulites resemble each other as long as the spherulites belong to the same "generatin" and grew at the same time. In the upper third you can see three spherulites, sitting like snowballs on the last agate layer before they got overgrown by colorless quartz crystals.
The agate is from the Juchem quarry, Niederwörresbach, north-east of Idar-Oberstein, Germany.
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The specimen is from Gyöngyöstarján, Mátra Mountains, Heves County, Hungary, a locality known for bizarre, irregular banding patterns with colorful inclusions. Agate from this locality is commonly associated with botryoidal chalcedony, as seen on the upper side of this specimen.
So far the spherulitic agate fibers have been dealt with as if they all had a very similar look and structure, but in fact a large variety of wall-lining banding patterns can be observed under polarized light.
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The upper part shows the typical wall-lining banding, with a strong contrast between the outer, hematite colored bands, highly translucent bands, and white bands. The white and red bands get thinner to the left, this is not so obvious for the translucent bands. In the white bands one can see a sign of a fibrous structure: it looks like a fine furr that has grown on the underlying translucent band. At the center of the agate one can see fine triangular ripples, here several generations of small druzy quartz crystals have overgrown each other.
The lower yellow and brown part of the specimen looks a bit more chaotic. Directly under the agate one can see a complex pattern that looks "fractal". These and similar looking patterns are called plume agate. The general direction of growth seem to be from the bottom to the top, but although it is composed of consecutive layers, it lacks continuous banding, with the exception of the outmost layer. Some of the plume agate can also be seen at the upper rim of the specimen. This structure obviously predates the agate that developed along its surface. It is interesting to note that the plume agate for the most part is well separated from the wall-lining agate by a thin dark line that resembles the typical initial band in agate geodes.
At the bottom one can see a few partially merged dots with yellow core and brown rim along cracks as well as straight yellow lines outlining thin cracks. The dots seem to be spherulites, but there's no hint of banding and there is not much to say about the nature of the yellow material except that it is harder than the brown host rock that has been ground out more deeply.
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The part with the plume agate looks as complex as in the first photo, the material is chalcedony, but it does not show the same level of order as the wall-lining agate. And despite some indication of consecutive deposition of material, there is no fine-structured repetitive banding visible, at least at that level of magnification.
The homogeneous yellow dots at the bottom part that lack banding turn out to be spherulites made of fibrous chalcedony, presumably stained by iron hydroxides. But different from those found in wall-lining agate, these spherulites apparently lack banding.
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Horizontal banding is very common in thundereggs that are mostly found in volcanic rocks of acidic composition like rhyolite, in particular in rocks with a large amount of glassy components. The photo shows a typical thunderegg from the Blue Beds of the Richardson Ranch in the Ochoco Mountains in Oregon.
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The lower left corner of the agate slice shown in the upper photo has been cut out to prepare a thin section. The rather faint banding pattern looks much more defined in polarized light with crossed polarizers, and the wall-lining agate bands show the typical spherulitic growth that extends over several bands.
The horizontal banding looks different. Each layer seems to have developed independently from the others, there are apparently no structures that extend into neighboring layers. A few layers, like the dark central one, show spherulitic growth with typical wall-lining banding patterns and appear to be a continuation of a wall-lining band. Overall the look of the horizontal bands is more "grainy", with large variations in apparent grain size. At the bottom one can see large, randomly intergrown spherulites which lack internal banding. A larger magnification would reveal that most of the horizontal bands are made of such spherulites, albeit much smaller ones. In the upper part the slightly curved and darker bands are actually wall-lining bands that have grown on the last horizontal band.
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Agates showing interference colors are sometimes called "iris agate" or "rainbow agates", as the iris banding is considered as a special phenomenon that is only found in certain types of agates of a few locations. Studies on agates from different locations indicate that iris banding is a common phenomenon that is usually masked by strong pigmentation or low translucency of the specimen (Jones, 1952; Frondel, 1978; Heaney and Davis, 1995). Agates are also rarely cut into slices that are thin enough for the interference effects to be observed.
Taijing and Sunagawa (1994) found that, within an agate, iris banding is commonly seen in areas close to the transition to drusy, macrocrystalline quartz, which they interpreted as an indication that it develops at late periods of the agate formation. One has to keep in mind, though, that because of the geometry of the banding patterns, an agate is more likely to be cut in a way that is favorable for iris banding to be visible close to the center than it is at the rim.
To cause strong interference effects and bright primary colors, the distance between the elements of the grating must be just a few times larger than the wavelength of light (between 250-700 nm, or 0.25-0.70 micrometers). In optical microscopy studies, Jones observed variations in the spatial frequencies of the banding between 15/mm and 600/mm, corresponding to wavelengths of 67,000 nm and 1670 nm, with the colors getting more saturated the finer the banding is. Similar spacings between the bands, between below 1 and 100 micrometers, were observed by Frondel, 1978, and Taijing and Sunagawa, 1994, with widths of 1-3 micrometers being most common. Iris banding seems to correlate with periodic variations in quartz grain size (Taijing & Sunagawa, 1994) and chemical composition (Frondel, 1978, Heaney and Davis, 1995, see under "Composition").
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The two photos to the right show a thin agate slice from Brazil, with an initial band, wall-lining-banding, and Uruguay banding. The first photo shows the agate in incident light, the second photo in short-wave ultraviolet light. The green fluorescence pattern reflects the banding, the central milky patch shows a more unusual blue fluorescence.
Mineral Composition
Like many other types of chalcedony, even "pure agate" is not necessarily made of pure quartz. It may contain varying amounts of the silica polymorph moganite, typically between 1% and about 20%, mostly around 5% (Heaney and Post, 1992; Götze et al., 1998). Of all silica polymorphs moganite shows most structural similarities with quartz, but it is never found in pure form. The moganite content of agates depends on their age, as the moganite slowly converts into quartz, apparently agates older than Silurian age are basically pure quartz (Moxon and Rios, 2002; Moxon, 2004).
A chemical analysis of the total composition of agates shows small amounts of water in addition to silica, typically in the range from 0.5% to 1.5% (as reviewed by Graetsch 1994). Parts of the water are captured in the pores between the tiny crystal grains, while some of it is bound chemically in silanole (Si-OH) groups. This water can be partially driven out of the agate by heating to 200-500°C for a couple of hours. The loss of water is apparently in large part due to the decomposition of the silanole groups (Fukuda and Nakashima, 2008).
Individual agates show a zonation of water content (both as silanole-groups and molecular water) parallel to the banding, but often on a much finer scale, with individual compositional bands measuring around 1 micrometer (Frondel, 1982; Frondel, 1985). Submicrometer-scale compositional bands seem to coincide with iris banding (Frondel, 1978). In his studies Frondel (1985) named zones H, M, and L, corresponding to high, medium and low levels of OH. He found that the compositional zones exhibit peculiar spatial patterns. Zones often show oscillatory variations of OH-content, leading to repetitive and symmetric patterns like "HLMLHLMLHLMLH" or "MHLHLHMHLHLHM" that extend over several millimeters.
Compositional zoning that coincides with iris banding has also been observed by Heaney and Davis, 1995, for aluminum, Al, and sodium, Na. The concentrations of both trace elements correlate, which indicates that Na is trapped in the crystal lattice as a charge compensator for trivalent Al that replaces silicon in the SiO4 groups.
Agate is often said to contain some opal, but this could not be generally confirmed in recent studies (e.g. Heaney et al., 1994). Probably impurities, like the presence of water and the formerly unknown mineral moganite, and lattice defects commonly found in chalcedony distorted the measurements of the structural properties in a way that could be interpreted as presence of some amorphous substance like opal. In a review on the nomenclature of micro- and non-crystalline silica minerals, Flörke et al., 1991, mention opal-C as a typical matrix component in horizontal, Uruguay-type bands in agate. However, in his own review on microcrystalline silica minerals, Graetsch, who is a co-author in the forementioned article, states that "Further investigations have provided no evidence for the presence of opal" (Graetsch, 1994, page 212).
- length-fast chalcedony or simply chalcedony ( = quartz )
- quartzine, also called length-slow chalcedony ( = quartz )
- pseudochalcedony ( = quartz )
- microquartz ( = quartz )
- moganite (formerly "lutecite")
All agates contain either length-fast chalcedony or microquartz, or both.
Chalcedony, quartzine, pseudochalcedony and microquartz differ in the way their quartz crystallites are intergrown. As explained in detail in the chapter Types of Quartz, they appear to be made of fibers when viewed in polarized light in a microscope (for an overview see Braitsch 1957; Frondel 1978; Flörke et al. 1991; Graetsch 1994; Cady et al. 1998). Their fibrous look is a result of the relative orientation of the crystallites in the matrix, and since there are no real separable fibers in the chalcedony substance, I call them virtual fibers. However, when agate is artificially dyed, the color penetrates the rock much more quickly in the direction parallel to the fibers, which are mostly oriented perpendicular to the banding, than along the layers (Bauer, 1904; Liesegang, 1915), so the term "fibers" is not completely inadequate. Scanning electron microscopy studies have revealed that pores in the chalcedonic substance tend to be arranged along lines parallel to the virtual fibers (Monroe, 1964). Subsequent scanning and transmission electronic microscope studies (Taijing & Sunagawa, 1994) have revealed that virtual fibers are composed of even smaller, slightly elongated crystallites (8-100 nm, invisible in optical microscopy) that are aligned on a much finer scale parallel to the orientation of the virtual fibers.
The dominant component in agate is length-fast chalcedony. Quartzine, microquartz and pseudochalcedony are present in much smaller amounts. As mentioned above under "Composition", the moganite content is highly variable, but usually low.
These components may also be found in other cryptocrystalline quartz varieties, like flint or chrysoprase, so their presence is not special to agates. What is special for agates is that these phases are intergrown in a highly ordered and characteristic manner. In a typical agate, consecutive layers of length-fast chalcedony lie parallel to the banding, with occasional layers of quartzine and areas of pseudochalcedony interspersed. The chalcedony is often intergrown with moganite.
- In the wall-lining layers that characterize agates, length-fast chalcedony and quartzine virtual fibers run roughly perpendicular to the layers, thus perpendicular to the banding: the individual virtual fibers point away from the wall.
- In horizontal layers that characterize Uruguay-type banding the virtual fibers of length-fast chalcedony emanate from single points to form small spheres of radiating virtual fibers.
The individual quartz crystallites of the virtual fibers predominately show Brazil law twinning, both in length-fast chalcedony and quartzine (Graetsch, 1994; Taijing & Sunagawa, 1994; Xu et al., 1998). Periodic variations of grain size along the fibers were found to occur in agate parts that show iris banding (Taijing & Sunagawa, 1994).
Agates typically occur in volcanic rocks. They are sometimes found in sedimentary rocks, while occurrences in metamorphic and plutonic rocks are exceptional.
Volcanic Rocks
Agate forms during secondary processes in volcanic rocks, long after these have solidified, and at relatively low temperatures. It fills out cavities in the rock, either isolated geodes of various shapes, or irregular cracks. The shape of the agate nodules also depends on the composition and structure of the volcanic rock.
- in basic volcanic rocks like basalt, rounded, often ellipsoidal cavities formed by gas bubbles in the still molten lava. The agate nodules that formed in these cavities often show a spherical, ellipsoidal or pear-like shape and have a smooth surface. As fresh basalts are poor in silica, the release of silica necessary for agate formation is caused by the weathering of silicates by meteoric and telemagmatic waters and carbon dioxide. In the course of weathering the released calcium will bind the dissolved carbon dioxide to form calcite, and accordingly calcite is a common companion of agates in these rocks.
- in acidic volcanic rocks with a high silica content like rhyolite, irregular, often star-like agates form in cavities in spherical geodes, often called thundereggs. Although usually associated with the western United States, thunderegg-type agates can be found all over the world in silica-rich volcanic rocks. The initial formation of thundereggs is much more complex than the formation of geodes in basalts and takes place at higher temperatures.
Finally, agates can fill irregular cracks in the already solidified lava that have been formed during cooling and shrinking of the rock.
Sedimentary Rocks
Agates can be found in sedimentary rocks. For example, there are several locations in the northern and southern Schwarzwald (Back Forest), where small agates formed in cavities inside chalcedony in a Triassic sandstone (Obenauer, 1979).
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Hydrothermal Veins
Agate is occasionally found as "vein" agate in and around low-temperature hydrothermal veins, for example at certain ore deposits. An interesting combination is sometimes found at the Grube Clara in the Black Forest, Germany, where thin banded layers of chalcedony formed inside cavities of massive fluorite veins.
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Silicified Wood
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The image shows a cross section of a silicified wood branch from an unknown location in India. Cracks in the wood have been filled with colorful agate. While the wood substance has been replaced by yellow chalcedony, probably dyed by hydrous iron oxides, the agate fillings in the voids are stained by reddish hematite. The difference in color indicate that the silicification of the wood and the agate formation took place at different times. The image below shows the core in detail. Collection, photos and copyright Klaus Stubenrauch.
Agate Varieties
The names of agate varieties are chosen more or less arbitrarily according to their visual appearance, usually that of a cut and polished stone - there are no strict rules or definitions. With such a terminology it is no surprise that there is a countless number of agate "varieties", Zenz, 2005, lists 122 different varieties, for example. A few terms are widespread and people agree on their meaning. Some of the names have very little to with the properties of the agate itself, but with the way the agates have been cut: "eye agate" is probably the best example.Language barriers cause more difficulties. A "flame agate" in English is not the same as the literal equivalent "Flammenachat" in German. The same is true for "coral agate" which can be a chalcedony pseudomorph after coral (and thus not really an agate), but also a reddish agate with a certain growth pattern.
Most of the agate names have no mineralogical significance.
Onyx is simply a black-and-white agate and sardonyx a red-white and rarely red-white-black variant. There would probably be no separate name for it if there wasn't a long tradition of cutting cameos from onyx and sardonyx.
Onyx is not to be confused with onyx marble, a banded marble (consisting of calcite, not quartz) used for ornamental works, which is frequently sold as "onyx".
Except for the color, with the black parts being opaque in good specimen, there is nothing specific that cannot be found in other agates. The "ideal onyx" is made of parallel alternating layers of black and white and thus cut from agate of the Uruguay-type.
There is a long tradition of dying agates to turn them into onyx for ornamental and lapidary uses and it can be very hard to tell a real onyx from an artificially dyed one.
Occasionally agate geodes are found that still have some of the water captured in a central cavity, so called enhydros. You can sometimes hear the water when you shake the specimen. These will slowly loose their water as it escapes through tiny capillaries and evaporates at the surface. There is nothing special about enhydros except for being quite rare, they simply did not dry out yet, like all the other agates did. The presence of water in the geode is sometimes interpreted as an indication of an agate formation in a watery environment, but of course the water could just as well have entered the geode later.
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The first image shows the not so common case of two halves of a polygonal agate that was not cut into many slices. The agates are usually made of a thin layer of white, gray or bluish, but hardly ever colorful agate, followed by another layer of quartz crystals that outlines a central cavity. In this specimen the quartz crystals are covered by another thin layer of chalcedony.
![]() 20mm ![]() 1568x2288 330kb |
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This is going to be a paragraph on agate formation.This is a very difficult and controversial subject and it will take a long time to collect all the necessary informations to write something that really helps. Until then I can only play the "myth buster" and start to list theories and assumptions that do not match the facts.
![]() 20mm ![]() 1632x1568 443kb - 3264x3136 1572kb |
The photo shows a very nice example of two agates in one (!) lithophysa from a rhyolite deposit in Sankt Egidien, Sachsen (Saxony), Germany, with a striking difference in their banding pattern and color. The agate is actually a bit darker than shown, I've lightened it up to show the patterns more clearly.
Further Information, Literature, Links
Johann Zenz has written a very nice book, ->Agates, available in German and in English. It gives an overview of worldwide locations and contains about 2000 images of agates.
Locations and Specimen
Of the thousands of agate locations dozens can be considered "classical", and of course it is impossible to cover them comprehensively. The "classical agate countries" are Argentina, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, Morocco, and the U.S.A. I can only present a very small selection of agates.
![]() 10mm ![]() 1632x1424 200kb - 3264x2848 605kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1083x580 77kb - 3282x1758 492kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1352x1024 134kb - 2704x2048 386kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1200x1009 175kb - 3732x3138 1.3mb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1600x960 188kb - 3200x1920 583kb |
Czech Republic
![]() 20mm ![]() 2128x1664 444kb - 4256x3328 1280kb |
Collection Jacek Szczerba.
The classical agate location in Germany is the area around the small town of Idar-Oberstein in the Hunsrück Mountains in Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate). For a short overview of the mining history and the geology of the Idar-Oberstein region, see the booklet Die Edelsteinmine im Steinkaulenberg und die historische Weiherschleife in Idar-Oberstein by Bambauer et al., which is also the main source of the information on the local history on this page.
When immigrants from the Idar-Oberstein area discovered the large agate and amethyst deposits of Brazil and Uruguay in the early 19th century, the local mines were soon abandoned. Nevertheless the plentiful imports from South America sparked off a boom of the local lapidary arts industry in the middle of the 19th century, and today Idar-Oberstein is still an important center in mineral trade and lapidary arts.
![]() 50mm ![]() 1480x1000 231kb - 2960x2000 670kb |
The specimen is shown "as is", it is rough, just as it was when I cracked the rock. The brown outer layer is made of calcite, and the fine banding of the agate is well visible despite its rough surface. Note the large single spherulite in the upper part that predates the formation of the calcite layer.
![]() 20mm ![]() 1200x1074 192kb - 3228x2888 1043kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1200x980 193kb - 2856x2332 993kb |
![]() 10mm ![]() 1117x681 92kb - 2235x1362 289kb |
![]() 10mm ![]() 944x656 127kb - 1888x1312 372kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 2208x1568 467kb - 4416x3136 1346kb |
![]() 10mm ![]() 1808x1584 491kb - 3616x3168 1519kb |
![]() 10mm ![]() 874x901 99kb - 2648x2730 786kb |
![]() 10mm ![]() 953x753 80kb - 2887x2282 631kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 2144x1584 423kb - 4288x3168 1243kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1632x1568 443kb - 3264x3136 1572kb |
It is shown again together with a close-up on the upper agate simply because it has very beautiful spherulites and little "UFO" inclusions made of hematite. One can recognize radial chalcedony fibers in some of the lower spherulites (difficult to see in the down-scaled image).
![]() 10mm ![]() 1149x1507 80kb - 2298x3014 243kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 2000x1800 409kb - 4000x3600 1286kb |
The black minerals in the upper corner are manganese oxides (like pyrolusite, with tetravalent manganese Mn4+) that also stain the outer part of the agate gray, while bivalent manganese compounds with Mn2+ ions give the inner agate layers a faint pink color.
![]() 20mm ![]() 2592x920 413kb - 5184x1840 1299kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1888x1600 268kb - 3776x3200 772kb |
Collection Jacek Szczerba.
Poland has for some time been the sources of excellent agates and is about to become one of the classical agate countries. I only own a few agates from there, and if you want to get a better impression, you can check out the website, which presents agates from the Sudetes in southern Poland and bordering Czech Republic.
![]() 10mm ![]() 1040x712 83kb - 2080x1424 258kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 984x759 141kb - 1968x1518 507kb |
Collection Jacek Szczerba.
![]() 20mm ![]() 2160x1600 452kb - 4320x3200 1244kb |
Collection Jacek Szczerba.
![]() 20mm ![]() 1280x955 217kb - 3115x2324 1037kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 963x893 162kb - 3850x3572 1735kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 2256x1584 404kb - 4512x3168 1136kb |
![]() 10mm ![]() 2016x1568 381kb - 4032x3136 1113kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1024x533 74kb - 3684x1916 632kb |
![]() 10mm ![]() 1904x1520 312kb - 3808x3040 920kb |
![]() 20mm ![]() 1335x1228 257kb - 2669x2457 892kb |
1 I am not talking about "agate" not being a valid mineral name. No quartz variety name counts as a valid mineral name - the valid mineral name for all varieties is "quartz". I′m talking about a specimen being a mineral or not, and that depends on its homogeneity in terms of crystal structure and chemical composition.2 Named after the patron saint of the colliers.
3 Sometimes people say that the name "Steinkaulenberg" is derived from its older name, "Galgenberg" ("gallows mountain"), but it simply is the local dialect form of "Steinkuhlenberg", which translates to "stone hollow mountain" or "stone pit mountain".

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