last modified: Tuesday, 26-May-2009 03:44:40 CEST
A lot of the images, movies and graphics in this section are computer generated renderings, using data sets and software retrieved from the Internet.
Most of this would not be possible without the kind souls who made their knowledge and the fruits of their work freely available to the public.
The starting point for my computer renderings of idealized quartz crystals was the program "kristall" by Berthold Weber that can be downloaded here from his Mineralien-Seite. It runs under Linux/X11 and can export the drawings to povray, which has been used to render the final images. Movies have been generated from png-images with mplayer.
Data Sets
Playing with kristall or similar programs helps a lot to understand the shapes of real crystals. Rendering a quartz crystal is quite difficult, and to get you going, here are a few kristall data sets (simple ascii text files) for download:Q_x+s_left.lst - Prism, r- and z-rhombohedra, s- and x-faces combined in a left quartz
Q_x+s_right.lst - Prism, r- and z-rhombohedra, s- and x-faces combined in a right quartz
Q_x+s+M_right.lst - Prism, r- and z-rhombohedra, s- and x-faces combined with positive rhombohedra M in a right quartz
Q_x+s+Psi_right.lst - Prism, r-, z-, s- and x-faces combined with negative rhombohedra Ψ in a right quartz
Q_x+s+Psi_Corinto_right.lst - Prism, r-, z-, s-faces combined with negative rhombohedra Ψ in a right quartz, with the typical habit found in Corinto, Brazil
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